Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day three of gluten free living

I am starting a blog....why? Because it seems like a fun way to journal my gluten/coconut free journey. Maybe someone else will read it and gain some insight from my experience, maybe they won't....we'll just have to see...I don't even think it matters. I started a gluten free diet only three days ago so am very much a newbie. Here are my accomplishments so far...research(I have a feeling that this one will be ongoing), I went through my kitchen and removed anything that had gluten or coconut in it(apart from some of the kids foods that I didn't consider tempting)...I know that coconut is not related to the gluten free diet, but it is a major allergen for me so I have to double read all of the labels. Then I went to the grocery store armed with the new recipes that I looked up...and shopped...whew it was sure confusing. I managed to find my ingredients and then the sticker shock of the price of the flour I had just purchased. I added these new purchases to our pantry and reorganized everything while I was there.  Quite the productive day!

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