Monday, April 19, 2010

Magnificent Monday

On Mondays J.R. goes to preschool so Caitlin and I have Tot School without him(and then we repeat many of the activities later because he feels left out!)  So here is what I have lined up for tomorrow:

This book talks about big and little and has great pictures.

All of our caterpillar activities are downloaded from "Confessions of a Homeschooler"  She has a great letter of the week curriculum which you can buy for a very reasonable price.  She also has so many adorable free is her link to the C activities.

I only downloaded the page without the numbers because Caitlin isn't recognizing numbers by sight yet.  I am using small foam bead for the markers and a square lacing bead that I wrote on for a dice that only rolls 1, 2, or 3.  I have to find a dice like this or a plain cube to make my own because this one rolls funny.  I don't think that Caitlin will care though.  I am trying to teach her how to play a game...taking turns, moving in order...etc.

Then it is music time...her favorite.  We have been dancing to Hap Palmer songs....I LOVE THEM...
Today we will dance to "How big is baby".  It asks questions like "is she bigger than the sea?" then no, no, very cute.  We'll also dance to his version of the "five little monkeys"....just because we can:)

Next time for some edible fun with our Cheerios play book

gonna try this one with her...another caterpillar goody from Confessions of a clip the right number of clothespins onto the laminated caterpillars.

more big and little practice....throwing some medium in there too.  If its too much then I plan to cut the page apart and just do Small and Large.  Thanks again Confessions of a Homeschooler.

Workboxes for tomorrow all lined up.  I love this system and I keep the trays stacked right next to the boxes so activities that need trays will have them in a flash.  I can't believe how easy it is for the kiddos to remember not to make a mess with an activity when they have that visual and physical reminder.  What a great idea.  I just use one set of workboxes even when JR is home because I have them doing the very same thing.  

Well, that is our plan for in the morning....if miss Caitlin cooperates with it all that is.  She loves "Preschool" though so I bet we get most of it in!

Goodnight and God Bless!!

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