Friday, April 30, 2010

Finally some preschool

We did it!!!  Finally made it downstairs to preschool.  We had quite the mess to clean up as the little ones have of course been into everything!!!  We made a weather dial using printouts from and the kids were so excited to spin the dial to rainy!  We made caterpillar craft sticks(glued pom poms on craft sticks)...we'll add some pipe cleaner antennae and google eyes later on after the glue dries.  We practiced our cutting and gluing.  We worked on kicking and catching a ball.  We read "Marvin K. Mooney will you please Go now!".  They loved it.  I remember it being Justin's very favorite book when he was four so I'm pleased to be able to read it again.  We did a few fine motor activities also and now they are watching wow wow wubzy while I clean up and post this to the blog.  All in all the morning is shaping up to be better than I thought it would so that is a good thing.  Now to tackle the laundry monster and the dishes from this morning.  Happy schooling to you all.

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