Sunday, April 25, 2010


We are having a revival at church this week.  Very cool.  I have never been to one, but the first service was great.  Two people accepted Christ!  We missed the service this evening but I hope to go tomorrow night.  Today's sermon was about where you are on the path.  There are three places you can be:  you can be the "natural man" or lost man and on your way to can be "carnal man" a saved person who is not growing...listless, lethargic Christianity...or you can be "spiritual man"....learning, growing and doing God's will....hmmmm which one are you?  Thank God I know that I am going to heaven but am I really the best Christian that I can be?  I can't wait to hear tomorrow's service.


Carrie Cooper said...

Carrie @

Hi! This is my first visit to your your passion for Christ! Youve raised a great question that we all need to ask ourselves from time to time. A few years ago I was diagnosed with a crippling chronic disease. It really challenged my faith (not doubting, but just trusting more). Ive really learned to lean on God as the STRENGTH of my life.

Wendy said...

Hi! I'm following from Friday Follow! I'm a Christian SAHM who writes and mentors, as an "older" mom to younger women, because my children are 24 and 20. We Homeschooled, so I post about that, as well as Child-Training, being a Godly Wife, Hospitality, Love and Marriage, etc.
In your other post about fear in children: I have a daughter who was very fearful. Here are some things that helped: Reading Scripture and saying it out loud, reminding her that God is There, and of the verse, "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee." We would talk (I tried to make my voice calm), and read and pray. I instructed her to say the Scripture out loud and pray when she would wake in the night. She has quite a testimony about that. I should interview her on my blog:) It may take some time. Assuring him that we all have fears of something, but God commands us "Fear not," and says "Be of good courage," assuring us that "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee," as well as the fact that whatever we are going through, we need God, and He is our Strength for whatever we face. This will be a good experience for him to look back on to remind Him that He can trust God.
Sorry I do go on sometimes when I get going!! Just reminded me of a lot of memories.
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