Monday, April 26, 2010


We are dealing with Jake having an almost paralyzing fear of storms and going to bed.  I've been praying for guidance so I can help him.  Today I had him visit the counselor at school(she's pretty good with the kids and I thought it might be easier for him to talk to someone else) and prayed some more.  I decided that I would:
1. look up fear in my concordance and go through some verses with him...we prayed together before we did this
2. check out a book about weather at the library
3. explore our local news stations weather dept on the internet

I still think he's afraid.  I think that he did a little better tonight than last night, but I have a suspicion that he and JR are in bed together.  I plan to continue on this path tomorrow.  I think we will write some of the verses down so he can put them on the wall by his bunk bed. Maybe if he can use a pen light to read them if he becomes afraid it will help?  Its so hard when my babies are hurting and I just want to help them through the bad times.  I am so very thankful that he has Jesus in his heart and a passion for the word.

We have started to read with them from the King James as this is what our new church uses....I'll just be honest with you...I am having a hard time with the transition.  Not sure I'll make it.  Of course, it doesn't help that I decided to use my Grandma's old Bible(she passed away in '77) from 1949 and my allergies immediately flared up.  My face is still burning and my throat is all funny feeling.  Ah least I have my iphone app.  It can't get mildewy smelling!

What have you done for your kiddos when they are having fear of this nature?  Any suggestions are welcome!

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