Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lowe's build and grow

We took the kids to the Lowe's Build and Grow workshop again today and made earth day planters.  They even got tote bags with their projects today.  As soon as lunch was over they wanted to paint them.



Caitlin worked on hers for awhile(with a little help) but she was more interested in painting her plate:)

Now we just have to get potting soil and seeds to put them to good use.  I tried to explain to them in advance that they really didn't need to paint the inside, but I guess it was too fun not to paint the inside.  The flower box comes with a little plexiglass plate that slides in the front so the kids can watch the action.  I'm curious to see if that will work or not!

I really like the way Justin did the back of his...he painted blue in between the tree trunks(didn't get a pic of that yet)....

I just now realized that it probably looks silly to have penguins on my table in April.  I have mostly bought my vinyl tablecloths at wal mart....last winter I got one at target and set it aside for this year.  It WON'T tear...I keep waiting for it to be worn out and it just won' now I have to fold it up and stick it away when I change it.  I'm having a hard time wanting to buy a new one when this one is still perfectly functional.  Ah well....such is life.

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